
Event - X

Monday, 27 August 2012

Event - X:

In a distant island,an isolated prison was taken up by a group of rebels.Their ammunition comprised of high grade explosives,grenades and heavy machinery.They also had anti-aircraft missiles for the sole purpose of aerial combat such as SAM MISSILES.War was to waged with the navy seals.A rebel faction went by the name of Ed.A.Your team is the R&D arm of US department of defense.Carry out necessary procedures for rescuing the hostages being victimized by the group of rebellions,provided:
  • Estimates for expenses must not exceed over 30 million dollars for technical equipment,weaponry and machinery.
  • A rough sketch of air support system is required for developing necessary strategies for aerial combat.
  • Casualties must be as minimum as possible. 

The citizens' lives rest in your hands.Will you succumb to defeat or rather be the hero of light who brings prosperity and reigns in the  heavenly realm for eternity?
It's a life and death situation.
Strategising for last minute attacks has never been harder!It's a field where commanders think it out,plan it out and just like chess,graze the battlefield out.It's the clash of the elite powers!The rebels who seek vengeance have kept the hostages captive.
Will you be the hunter or will you be hunted?

Aerial combat isn't some random flight simulation game.It's a matter of time.You could be the eagle in the sky hovering around in your flashy aircraft,bombarding the rebels or instead end up being the one who is bombarded at the end of the day.For this very reason,are engineers dearly hired for your luxury and benefit!Make use of the resources!Customize your aircraft the way you want.Pack it up with weaponry of all sorts.In the end,it's YOU who decides the way it's designed while the engineers  follow your command loyally without a trace of doubt and that's the way it should be.
                                                            Blueprint of an old fighter-type aircraft


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